Sunday, April 24, 2011

Amazing Grace

In the “religion” I created in my mind, there were many rules. A little like living under the law, with the Ten Commandments being the laws. If I was a nice person and kept the Ten Commandments, I was a ‘Christian’. Except, I wasn’t really keeping the Ten Commandments. I was filled with guilt and shame, carrying around many secrets.

Then one day, a friend explained God’s grace to me. Grace is defined as unmerited favor. If I asked, God would forgive me and forget my sins. It was a free gift, he said, all I needed to do was accept it. Honestly, it took me a long time to believe that God could love me. I kept feeling like I didn’t “deserve” grace and couldn’t accept it.

I began attending an Evangelical Christian Church. I was in a women’s class at church and one night received prayer for forgiveness of my sins. I was to write down my sins and place them at the foot of the cross. After this time of prayer, the facilitator told us to watch for God to confirm this healing with an action during the week. I hadn’t ever had any encounters with God, so I didn’t really know what to expect.

That night, I saw my new puppy with something in his mouth. He liked to chew everything. I reached down and saw that he had a paper bookmark, with the words and music to Amazing Grace printed on it. I don’t remember ever seeing the bookmark he found – but I was sure this was my confirmation that I had been forgiven by God’s Amazing Grace.

Even with this confirmation, it took a while and a lot more prayers to finally believe in my heart that God’s gift of Grace applies to even me. And I am not saved by what I do, but just because I believe! I have been forgiven and God has saved a wretch like me.

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